The aim of this form is to make disaster recovery a bit easier for our community. By filling out the form you're confirming whether you and anyone else with you are staying / have stayed or have left for a disaster event.
The information collected via this form is only used for the purpose of helping to better manage local disaster events.
All data submitted via this form is encrypted for security and is stored for a minimal period of time, then is deleted from the database.
All data submitted via this form is managed by Cow Bay Primary Health Clinic and a small task force of locals appointed by the clinic for assisting with helping the community during disaster events. Data may also be provided to other emergency personal if requested.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a community run website, not a Government, Council or Official Disaster Management group website. This form aims to help determine who is in the area and from there any support that may be needed. If you need something urgently, please contact the relevant emergency personnel.
The website creators take no responsibility for disaster management, we're just trying to create a resource to help our community in time of need. Thanks.